Click, Lobby,
Shop, Invest & Volunteer for Change
Violence in society can be overwhelming and even foster
hopelessness. The following sites
offer practical ways you can get involved and make a difference by surfing,
volunteering, donating, or shopping.
Any purchase you make through
the button below benefits StopViolence
How to help StopViolence.com
Surf/Click to Donate
Hungersite: donate food with a click of the
The Rain Forest
Site: Each click from you raises money that goes to the Nature Conservency's
Adopt An Acre program.
The Breast
Cancer Site: click to donate mammograms
three sites to the left are run by the GreaterGood.com,
which says it "provides consumers with the ability to make a difference in the world through their everyday Web-based activities - at no extra cost to
They were taken offline because of
the slump in internet advertising, but they are now back under new
management. Thanks guys! |
Poverty: click to create jobs & provide education
An Effect: click
to donate for earthquake relief
Land Mines.com
Search to Feed: by entering a
search in the box below, you give money to feed the hungry through
sponsors who are displayed on the results page. I'm not impressed with the
quality of results, but try a search to donate food...
Lobby Your
The following organizations have
'take action' pages that help citizens communicate with the elected
officials about policies and legislation |
This list is an edited version of resources discussed by Alan
Rosenblatt, Vice President, Online Advocacy Services, Stateside Associates.
These links appeared in The
Online Advocate (v1 #4, August 2001).
For additional ideas, use the Google
search box with the phrase 'take action' + the keywords that
describe your concerns.
Have ProgressiveSecretary.org
send out free emails to politicians about the issues that concern you. [Founder
Jim Harris describes himself as a sixties activist and a Quaker. Treatment for leukemia left him partially disabled, upon which he decided to
devote himself to progressive service, his long time calling, by using his computer skills and his knowledge of activism.]
Greater Good: 5-15% of your
purchases go to the charity of your choice
Daemon Records: your socially
conscious record label
Responsible Investing Forum
Business - find out how to make a business environmentally
sustainable, best practices and current news.
Volunteer & Careers
Match (matches you
with available volunteer opportunities)
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)
BOOK: Colvin &
Nader, Good
Works : A Guide to Careers in Social Change

100 Jobs in Social Change